Saturday, November 13, 2010

Toy Story 3 and Laziness....

Well so far today i have done much of nothing. Woke up around 8:30am, went to the bank and then came back home and we are about to watch Toy Story 3 for the 4th time today :) So, after reading my latest post I realize how negative I sound. I definitley need to be more positive with things. Annnnd...I think...that if I start to REALLY lose weight and change my lifestyle, I would be a more positive person. I think that Monday, this transition should start. Eat less, Excercise more. SAVE MONEY. It is hard though. The holiday season. Thanksgiving is in 2 weeks. Christmas in a month or so...ahhh. That doesn't mean anything right? I can get a head start on everyone that is going to do this in January right? Ha...that's another thing. Stop double guessing myself. I need to be more confident in things that I do. I need to cut all negative and negative people out of my life. I would cut out Facebook, but for some reason I am nosey and want to see what others are doing in their lives and see their pictures. I guess that is why everyone is on FB. Well...tomorrow I'll shall write a list of my new goals and such. For now, my 4 year old is bugging me to watch Thomas the Train and I have a slight migraine;) Going out to Olive Garden and movies tonight. Let's hope I enjoy.

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