Thursday, November 4, 2010

Flat-headed Babies, I usually do not pick on physical appearance. Especially sweet precious little babies! But, this is the parents fault. SHAPE YO BABIES HEAD. I understand that babies are more safe to sleep on their back, which is fine. But, most parents don't actually round the babies head which is what they should do if the don't want the babies back of the head look like a flat pancake. It just looks so odd to me! I know eventually when they grow up it will probably form more and not look as flat but I have seen babies from birth to about 4 years old and their face has a wideness to it and their head isn't exactly "round" like it should be. It just irritates me that parents are to lazy and let it go. My mama always told me to round my baby's head. Which i did! It will start to form to how they lay on it when they are sleeping. So...i'm just sayin...

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